Women from around the world have revealed the reasons why they lied to their partners about being on birth control.
Dozens took to the anonymous confessions app Whisper to share their poignant, and occasionally startling personal stories.
Many explained they were motivated by their desire to have a baby - even though their partner didn't feel the same.
Among the most shocking revelations was one from a woman who confessed she didn't feel guilty after falling pregnant with a wealthy bachelor's baby, because he was now supporting her. Another said she viewed child support as '18 years of easy money'.
Scroll down to read more of the anonymous confessions...

People from around the world shared their brutally honest reasons for lying about using birth control with anonymous sharing app Whisper

Many people confessed they lied about being on contraceptives in secret hopes of becoming pregnant whilst having unprotected sex. This woman was 'desperate for a baby'

One person who fell pregnant with a rich man's baby spoke about the perks of having someone pay for everything

A woman confessed she lied to her boyfriend about being on contraception as they were fed up of getting injections

Another person shared how their fear of spending life alone caused them to lie in the hopes of having a baby

A married woman confessed she was riddled with guilt for deliberately getting pregnant

One woman shared that she hadn't got pregnant despite sleeping with her boyfriend for two months without protection

An excited woman found motivation in seeing a positive pregnancy test after lying to her boyfriend about being on birth control

One woman shared the dilemma of being unable to tell the father of her baby she's pregnant after giving the impression she was on contraception

Another liar revealed she was having doubts about her decision to secretly try for a baby

One woman felt guilty about her miscarriage after hiding the truth about her birth control from her husband

Another woman chose to lie about being on birth control when her partner told her he didn't have any condoms

An angry boyfriend confessed he felt 'tricked' after his girlfriend had pretended to be using contraception

A mother shared that she had no regrets for having a baby with lies

Another mother claimed she felt child support would be 18 years of easy money